Sunday, October 13, 2024

                                                I WALK IN DREAMS OF LAVENDER

I walk…. in dreams of lavender
Picnic basket in my hand
Remember? I placed the blanket down
Just the way we planned.

With bouquets of purple flowers
Fruits alight on plates of gold
Eagerly, I sat awaiting you
And what the future holds.

Out of shadow into sunlight
On your white horse, running fast
“I’m here” I waved excitedly 
As you rode swiftly past.

I poured my wine, alone I dined
Purple flowers in their vase
Walking there in dreams of lavender
Out of sync with time and space.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Eclipsed by you

 Old friend, it is odd to find you here.                                                                                      Underneath layer upon layer,….. upon year.                                                                                Amidst accumulative strata of tears and fear.                                                                                  Old friend, it is odd to find you here.

Odd you would rise in this annular sky
While a darkened moon closed a solar eye.
To blaze in a corona of flaming sphere
Old friend, it is odd to find you here.

But indeed there you stand - midst canyon and air
In a clandestine appointment made sometime, somewhere
Above the Colorado River, earthen colors touch sky 
Old friend, odd it is you, that appears in my eye.



“Modern?”...STOP....”I must define.”

But first I smile and take my wine.


I lift my glass to faces past

to their laughter and love

Once dead.


I swallow the warmth

And ponder the thought

Of all the change that time has wrought.


When held to the light

Ruby red in the night

My wine glass seems ever constant.


Dining alone, I check my phone

The girl with pink hair

Takes a seat in her chair


I sip my wine and remember a time

I was hardwired to a wall

If I needed to call


“How’s my wine?” I am asked

My introspection unmasked.

I watch it fill to the top.


With my card I pay

To my car I say

“Directions back to 1975”


With a push button start

I still hold in my heart

All I yearn...and it’s not all so modern.



Pam Robinson Porterfield. 14 Nov. 2020

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Goodbye Forever

Sometimes I stumble upon old poetry here and there.  Stuffed in an old book...written in a daydream of boredom during a lecture in a college class... in some cases (3/13/1975) reeeeaaaaallllly old ...
I wrote this jewel after a horrifying event in my life which 41 years later still gives me nightmares....

Goodbye Forever (PRP)

I held your picture in my hand ...
Your words within my heart Believing you…..
Your letter now tattered and yellow spoke of good-bye
But not of forever..

Decades now passed
Still holding your picture in my hand
Your words alive within my heart
Still believing you and in your letter bearing greater signs
of all now tattered and yellow
That it was forever.... of which you spoke
When your words spelled out Good-bye. 3/13/75

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Ever After....


The sunshine skipped over river stone, 

and sparkled in its vernal colors.

A resonating rainbow merged in the tumbling water fall ….

bridging east and west into forever..


Captivated, my imagination with a beckoning cry 

imprisoned my impatient eye.

To build a life?……

This would be my shining cornerstone, from a lode for love and longing.

….The ceremonial ground breaker, 

the first stepping stone toward every dream imagined…

In Pursuit of ”Ever After”.


Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year 2016

Daddy wiped the tears and kissed my head
Solemnly he finally said
"no one is too young for a broken heart
True love grows bolder as we live and grow older"

He took my quilt, tightly covered me up
"The problem is, puppy love
... is  real to the pup!"       prp

Trinkets of a lifetime .....PRP (2012) 

My old wooden box still holds a treasure here or there,
A scratched up Beatles' single and a lock of mother’s hair,
The broken chain I yanked in two as I jerked it off my wrist
My Love beads, a silver cross, a scribbled Christmas list.

An ancient fading paper chain from old time chewing gum,
Now if you want some memories?.. I bet that thing swallowed some.
There ‘s my broken ballerina who lost a leg when I was 10!
I spent 3 long hours, teary eyed to make her whole again.

Trinkets of a life time …………
Carefully kept and heaven spent
Amongst them all I found your picture
and the scent of peppermint.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Why did Santa Choose Reindeer as his primary means of transportation?


have always fascinated me...but Reindeer who fly? 

Now that's a character that ranks right up with Pegasus in my book.  I Suppose Santa would have to choose the hearty, cold weather enduring Reindeer, indigenous to the North Pole, over let's say..hmmmm...

The Pegasus! Could it be that everyone knew Reindeer were readily available in his neck of the glacier and semi-domesticated. Whereas, rounding up "8 miniature" Pegasus might pose serious problems with weather and ultra Horselike intelligence and all. How about Unicorns?  Oops I momentarily forgot Unicorns don't fly,

Dragons Dragons Fly!... oops They might be tempted to hoard all the Christmas goodies and "Light a fire"  and who wants to hit a angry Dragon with a long, tall , double shot from a fire extinguisher?

So that leaves Reindeer vs Pegasus..  Pegasus are so lovely, graceful and .... and ..however, there is that whole "Zeus possessiveness of his personal herd of Pegasus(es) ???"  issues and all. I'm sure that wouldn't end happily ever after.  But, then he is Santa Claus couldn't he just "sit right down and write himself a letter?"... hmmmm .... I guess Santa doesn't have a Santa Claus to bring him presents on Christmas Eve now does he? 

So Reindeer it is and as for flying?  I guess that was something that took Santa's veterinarian geneticists Elves some serious time and hard work.  Ho, Ho Ho!  Aren't you glad it all came together so nicely? thoughts on the "How does Santa Deal with the "No Chimney" problem?